
First Person, Third Person, Same Person

First Person, Third Person, Same Person focuses on the cinematic work of Grada Kilomba, Manthia Diawara, Olivia Plender, Dora García and Clara Ianni. The films’ stories have in common the assembling of news, testimonials, memories, documents, diaries, books and other epistolary documents whose multifaceted collage-like view of historical facts resonate with contemporary circumstances. Using a peripheral narrator or giving historical characters the opportunity to address present-day realities, these narratives impact the viewer in both a cognitive and affective level, creating a semi-fictional reality in which remembering, reflecting, and acting is equally essential.

A series of events and collections of related ephemera will accompany each film/s.

Image: Dora Garcia, Love with obstacles, 2020 (video still).

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